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Monday, April 11, 2011

Minutes of Meeting: April 11, 2011

Regular Meeting
Monday April 11, 2011

Members in attendance: Michelle Veasey, Judy Wainwright, Michael Mascola, Jim Garrity

1)Committee meets with the Selectman Friel to discuss feedback on the Energy Audit Report.

2)Regular committee meeting to discuss future meetings and priorities.

3)Michelle gave feedback on the Local Energy Committee Workshop.

4)Jim will send the report to Unitil and ask them to work on solutions.

5)Discussion about future educational opportunities.

6)Meeting adjourned at 8:20pm

Monday, March 21, 2011

Monday, March 21, 2011

Presentation of Energy Audit to Board of Selectmen
Monday March 21, 2010

1)Elmer Arborgast of Arborgast Energy Auditing presented an executive summary of the Town Building Energy Audits, accompanied by members of the Atkinson Energy Efficiency Committee.

- Energy Conservation Measures (ECM) were highlighted to show some potential savings.
- Discussion of reprogramming the mechanical and air handling systems at the Kimball Public Library.

2)The Selectmen listened and asked questions of Mr. Arborgast. He will make updates based on questions and suggestions from the Board.

3)Final report will be submitted to the Selectmen in electronic and paper format. The Committee will then distribute portions of the larger report to individual town departments.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Minutes of Regular Meeting: March 14, 2010

Minutes from March 14, 2011
Atkinson Energy Efficiency Committee
Atkinson Town Hall
7:05pm - 8:40pm

Judy Wainwright
Michelle Veasey
Michael Mascola
Jim Garrity

1) The Committee reviewed in detail the latest version of the report from the Energy Auditor. Changes were suggested. We will communicate with the Energy Auditor our needs for the presentation to the Selectmen on March 21.

2) We will send the current version of the Audit Report to the Selectmen tonight.

3) Jim Garrity will prepare the committee to commission documentation for the Selectmen for April. (7 members and 2 alternates)

4) April 2 is the Local Energy Solutions Conference.

5) Meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm